We're thrilled to announce the release of Axon Server Release 2023.2! This release brings you a range of new and highlighted features that will enhance your experience with Axon Server, primarily in...
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Introduction Last year, we introduced Axon Synapse: the streamlined solution for leveraging Axon Server. Axon Synapse offers JSON over HTTP support, simplifies state management, and our upcoming...
Often, when architects and engineers are investigating new patterns, frameworks, or technologies, they look to find the quickest way to get up and running to demonstrate business value. So when one...
AxonIQ Conference 2023 is Thursday, September 28 in Amsterdam. Yes, it is a physical, not a virtual conference, and it’s being held in one of the most vibrant cities at an iconic Amsterdam location,...
Introduction Are you planning to get your first hands-on experience with a more event-driven approach to software development? Are you considering using Axon? Then this blog is meant to help you.
Event sourcing is not scary
By Gerard Klijs
8 min
Introduction Using the wrong tools can bite you. I remember trying to drill holes in the ceiling for a light fixture using a simple cordless drill. It always took too long, and I sometimes needed the...
Modern applications scale horizontally very easily, for which we can be grateful to cloud providers and container platforms like Kubernetes. Axon Framework, together with Axon Server, is very capable...
There are many TV series that include some form of time travelling where the events of the past can be altered. There are always many dangers involved, including the erasure of your own existence....
I have been a Solution Architect at AxonIQ for over a year. Before that, I was a software developer, bringing an Axon Framework application into production with a regular Oracle database as an event...
Follow these seven easy steps to achieve your business goals utilizing the AxonIQ Business Value Calculator.
We are pleased to introduce several updates and new features to Axon Server 2023.1. This blog highlights the new and enhanced features and explains how they contribute to the Axon Server user...
Axon Framework 4.8.0 release
By Gerard Klijs
3 min
Axon Framework 4.8.0 contains many new interoperability options with other libraries, such as new caching solutions (EhCache3) and more scheduler implementations (JobRunr Pro and db-scheduler) for...
Introduction to Axon Synapse
By Marc Gathier
1 min
We're happy to announce the first public release, version 0.6.0 of Axon Synapse.
Tiered storage cookbook
2 min
Introduction In event-driven systems, it's important that your event store can store events quickly and indefinitely. But fast disks can be expensive and have limited storage space. Larger storage...
So you have decided to use the Axon Server Enterprise because you want a highly available cluster? Then your next question may be how to configure your cluster setup to take full advantage of this....