AxonIQ Partner: La Combe du Lion Vert

“We are more than happy to have Axoniq as a partner. La Combe du Lion Vert counts on this collaboration to help our client building event-based applications that are solely scalable”
Houssam Fakih, Chief Technology Officer at La Combe du Lion Vert
La Combe du Lion Vert
La Combe du Lion Vert is a community of enthusiast software engineers that couple the pleasure of coding with Craft practices. We use the best Craft approaches and techniques to design, evolve products, and propose new solutions.
As they are part of a continuous process of developing skills and seeking applications excellence, our Alchemist consultants, effective crafters of sustainable code, see in their profession a discipline in perpetual motion and an eternal desire for customer satisfaction.
AxonIQ Partnership
La Combe du Lion Vert and AxonIQ are working as partners in France to help developers use the DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing patterns to model modern applications and use the AxonIQ stack to implement those patterns. It is important to deliver consultancy and training locally. AxonIQ is thrilled to start working with La Combe du Lion Vert to grow the French community.
Financial Services
Real State
Axon Framework
Axon Server