Onsite Meetup in Wien, Austria

Real World Use Cases and Live Coding-Mastering Event Sourcing

Jun 26, 2024
16:00 - 19:00 CEST
Wien, Austia

Join us for our exclusive joint venture event with open200!

Immerse yourself in the world of Event-Driven Architecture, Event Sourcing, and CQRS. In three exciting presentations, we will share practical insights into how the Axon Framework is used and the valuable lessons we have learned from it. Learn firsthand how we at open200 develop and successfully implement EDA solutions, with Event Sourcing and CQRS playing a key role.


  • Allard Buijze - AxonIQ ,
  • Jakob Hatzl,
  • Gerhard Hipfinger - openFORCE,
  • Andreas Grill - open200


This event is a must if you want to learn more about the Event-Driven approach and the benefits of Event Sourcing and CQRS.

Sign up to secure your spot for inspiring discussions and valuable networking opportunities!

Allard Buijze
Founder and Chief Technology Officer. Allard is a global thought-leader on event sourcing. He is a recognised expert with more than 20 years experience, including microservices, event sourcing and event-driven architecture. Allard advocates for better collaboration between developers and business.
Allard Buijze