Introduction Webinar

Evolutionary Microservices by AxonIQ

Feb 29, 2024
16:00 - 17:00 CET

Join us for an introduction webinar about "Evolutionary Microservices," the theory behind it, the vision, and live online demonstration of our event/message driven application architecture, and the challenges they've presented over the years.

We will cover:

  • The history of event sourcing application architectures and the challenges they present
  • Vision for the future: Reactive Programming, Messaging, and beyond
  • Introduction to AxonIQ Technologies - best tools for complex event sourcing systems in a dynamic business environment
  • Live demo of a domain seamlessly integrated into the Axon stack diagram
  • Witness Commands, Events, Queries and Event-Sourcing in action
  • Evolution of the demo app: Breaking down components into individual applications
  • AxonIQ Console registration for a streamlined and efficient system

Register to attend and receive a recording after the webinar.


Let us know via, and we will respond ASAP.

Ben Runchey
Ben Runchey is a Solutions Engineer at AxonIQ specializing in helping customers harness the full potential of Axon Server and Axon Framework. With 15 years of experience in event-driven architectures and 5+ years with AxonIQ technologies, Ben brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. He's passionate about systems that utilize events to capture business value. Customers are in capable hands with Ben's expertise, whether implementing event-driven architectures or leveraging the Axon ecosystem. Outside of work, Ben resides in Minneapolis, where he enjoys spending quality time with his family.
Ben Runchey