Cost optimization for Axon Server deployments without sacrificing performance is very important to our customers. The most commonly used technique is the optimization of storage for the events. To...

Posts by: Vijay Nair
Architect, DDD, CQRS, and event sourcing evangelist. Vijay is author of "Practical Domain-Driven Design with Enterprise Java" and a prolific writer and presenter on DDD, CQRS, and event sourcing.
CQRS/event sourcing are patterns, and to be more specific they are Application Design patterns, and their implementation spans across 3 main Architectural areas (*).
So your organization is toying with the idea of using Event Sourcing. The benefits look promising, but you can’t seem to shake off the nagging doubt of that one aspect of adoption - Eventual...
The Command Query Responsibility Separation(CQRS) and Event Sourcing (ES) patterns advocate the building of applications by treating it as a System of Events plus State rather than just as a System...
Introduction One of the most common discussion points that come up regularly in interactions with Customers/Prospects/Forums is how does Axon compare to Apache Kafka? Can one do the job of the other?...
AxonIQ at the DevOpsCon New York Every September, DevOpsCon New York is the meeting place for DevOps enthusiasts and the most important players in the software industry! Over the past two years, we...