The 5 fundamental challenges AxonIQ helps you solve

The right tools can make or break the success of your applications. That's where AxonIQ is your ally – providing innovative solutions to the common hurdles we all encounter when it comes to building applications that are not just scalable and flexible, but also efficient. Up next, we dive into five substantial challenges that we tackle here at AxonIQ.

Let's break down how we handle each of these tough issues with some everyday analogies. Whether you're deep in the trenches of coding or steering the ship from the business helm, you'll see how our solutions make a real difference.

1. Can you easily scale your applications? Really?


Scalability is essential for meeting the demands of a growing business, optimizing costs, ensuring a positive user experience, and staying competitive in the dynamic landscape of enterprise technology.

As applications grow, so do the complexities of scaling. The transition from monolithic structures  to microservices can be a big boost for your business. While beneficial, managing the orchestration, communication, and data consistency across a distributed set of services can be daunting.

Consider a busy restaurant's kitchen as our traditional application. When it gets busier (scales), it's challenging to coordinate everyone effectively. The solution isn't merely hiring more chefs; they'll inevitably get in each other's way.


Our products were designed to meet the challenges of fast-growing and large enterprise organizations. Axon Server offers a specialized platform tailored for the nuances of microservices communication through the use of command, event, and query message types.  By leveraging messaging for communication between components enables location transparency.  Location transparency allows us to scale out or up the components of our solution in a seamless fashion because microservices don’t need to know about each other.. Through the use of a distributed message bus, Axon Server ensures all microservices cooperate without the need for direct communication.

2. Is your application auditable? Really?


Auditability (the ability to trace event sequences and understand state changes) is crucial for promoting transparency, accountability, compliance with regulations, fraud prevention, process improvement, informed decision-making, investor confidence, risk management, and stakeholder trust. Organizations prioritizing auditability are better positioned to thrive in the competitive business landscape.

- Rather than storing the current state and trying to capture changes as an afterthought, store the changes as events which you can then build the current state from

  • Events provide the why about a state change, not just the values.  Capture the context, not only the data of the change
  • Event Sourcing makes this easy
  • Axon Server as an event store makes storing and retrieving these events simple

Rather than only storing the current state of your system and attempting to capture the changes when they happen, recording the changes history of changes The key to this is event sourcing, realized by Axon. Axon Framework enables a clear, traceable log of events, acting as a comprehensive map of the city’s waterways that allow administrators to monitor flows, identify sources, and ensure regulatory compliance with ease. By leveraging event sourcing and CQRS, AxonIQ ensures that each action is audit-ready, providing a robust foundation for accountability and transparency.

3. Can your application feed the accurate data for machine learning? Really?


Feeding accurate, comprehensive data to AI and machine learning models is crucial for developing intelligent systems. Imagine a science lab where experiments rely on precise measurements from various sensors. Incorrect or incomplete data can lead to flawed conclusions.


Emphasizing the significance of data analysis over raw data, advocating for event sourcing to generate immutable logs. These logs serve various purposes, including auditing and informing business decisions. Event sourcing allows mapping a canonical model to multiple query models for effective data preparation. It is crucial for providing quality input to machine learning models, ensuring data consistency, real-time updates, predictive insights, and dynamic adaptation.

4. Can you evolve your applications and maintain them over time? Really?


Evolving applications without significant downtime or technical debt is a challenge. Adding new features (like an extra bathroom to an already-built house) demands careful consideration of existing structures.


AxonIQ fosters an architecture that is inherently flexible, facilitating easy changes and extensions to the application as business requirements evolve. By separating the command, event, and query concerns, systems can be modulated, tested, and deployed with minimal impact on live operations, allowing for a smoother evolutionary path of the application features.

With AxonIQ, it's like designing your house with future needs in mind from the start. You might not build the extra bathroom immediately, but your home (application) is pre-wired and plumbed, ready for expansions when needed.

5. Does your team spend the majority of their time on business functionality? Really?


The productivity of both developers and operations teams can be hampered by complex deployment procedures, lack of comprehensive traceability, and the need for deep inter-component coordination.

Imagine arranging a surprise party where everyone's tasks are interrelated. The complexity could cause miscommunications or delays.


AxonIQ's platform accelerates productivity with features like built-in monitoring, message tracing, and an intuitive set-up process. This unified approach not only eases the learning curve for new developers but also simplifies the deployment and operational aspects of applications, making it possible to focus on delivering value rather than managing the intricacies of the system.

AxonIQ is like a well-planned checklist for the party. Everyone knows their roles, sees how their part fits into the whole, and can execute tasks fluently, making a well-coordinated, surprise celebration a reality.


By leveraging AxonIQ's platform solutions, daunting application development issues become easily manageable tasks.
Ready to step into the future with your application development? You can try out Axon Server and AxonIQ Console for free.


Ardan Thornhill
Strategist Ardan Thornhill spent the first decade of her career working in journalism and media production to explore and satisfy a wide range of interests. She comes to the software world after a stint in VR marketing got her pondering about the ‘pipes’ that keep our digital world flowing. When not working at her desk, she’s probably still at her desk, researching the current daily curiosity – or out traveling a new corner of the world.
Ardan Thornhill
