I have been a Solution Architect at AxonIQ for over a year. Before that, I was a software developer, bringing an Axon Framework application into production with a regular Oracle database as an event...
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Follow these seven easy steps to achieve your business goals utilizing the AxonIQ Business Value Calculator.
Repositories are essential components in Axon Framework. However, they mostly remain behind the scenes, and developers don't need to interact with them directly. Usually, the framework can configure,...
Introduction When transitioning from monolithic architectures to microservices enabling communications between microservices can be challenging. One strategy for getting this ‘right’ is using smart...
CQRS/event sourcing are patterns, and to be more specific they are Application Design patterns, and their implementation spans across 3 main Architectural areas (*).
So your organization is toying with the idea of using Event Sourcing. The benefits look promising, but you can’t seem to shake off the nagging doubt of that one aspect of adoption - Eventual...
In message-driven systems, messages flow in many directions. This behavior helps to decouple applications to make these systems better scalable. When it comes to sensitive data, we need to know who...
Nowadays, systems must be designed to handle loads that change quickly and dynamically. In these situations, it is expected that our applications adapt accordingly. For example, Axon applications...
In the previous blog post, we (well, mostly Sara Torrey) have discussed Event modeling and how it can be used as a tool to create a blueprint for your solution.
Requests like “How do I ensure the email address in a User aggregate is unique?” or “How do I ensure usernames are only used once on command handling?” reach us quite often. We can rephrase them: How...
How do I design an application? What’s the process like? Where do I even begin?! Well, the ‘old me’ would design an application "on the fly," AKA, create a repository on GitHub, open it on IntelliJ,...
Bounded contexts with Axon
By Ivan Dugalic
4 min
"A Context is the setting in which a word or statement appears, and that determines its meaning".
Parameter Resolvers in Axon
By Milan Savic
3 min
Axon is an open-source Java framework for building systems in CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Separation), DDD (Domain Driven Design), and Event Sourcing. Axon provides a high level of location...
In one of our recent blogs, we talked about constructing a real-life Axon application. Which areas should you distinguish on a high level, and what code should go where? This is a question often...
Learning to write a proper Axon application from scratch consists of various aspects. First, there's the conceptual stuff to grasp (DDD, event sourcing, CQRS) and details about the actual framework...