It's time to celebrate! AxonIQ Console has now been released, revolutionizing the management and control of your event-driven applications built with Axon Framework. It offers a unified platform for...

Posts by: Steven van Beelen
Lead Developer - Axon Framework. Steven has a keen interest in Axon Framework and how it approaches software architecture. He helps small and large clients build Axon applications, provides training, develops the framework and is active in the Axon community. Broader interests include domain driven design, messaging patterns and event sourcing.
Automation through OpenRewrite In a previous blog, we explained our discontent and reasoning behind the introduction of breaking changes in Axon Framework 4.7. Our desire to support Spring Boot 3 and...
Breaking changes... Our apologies Different than usual, upgrading to Axon Framework 4.7.x may just impact your application. To deal with the Javax-to-Jakarta adjustment, we introduced several...
In Axon's 10 year history (you’ve read that right, it turned 10 in January 2020!) we have striven to take all received feedback to keep improving the look and feel. Not only usability for developers...
In your application, you probably have created a couple of components:
Explore the power of AxonIQ Console in our upcoming one-hour webinar! AxonIQ Console streamlines the complexities of enterprise application infrastructure by offering a unified platform for insight,...
Join our one-hour webinar, where we will provide a quick introduction to Axon Server Axon Server is a specialized event store and message delivery system. It offers superior scalability and...
Join us for an expert panel session on July 12, 2023 from 16:30 - 17:30 CEST (10:30 - 11:30 EDT) hosted by Bert Laverman, Sara Torrey, and Steven van Beelen to answer all of your Axon Server, Axon...
The Practical Road towards CQRS and Event Sourcing 3 May 16:00 - 16:50 Room C4 The terms ‘Command Query Responsibility Separation (CQRS)’ and ‘Event Sourcing (ES)’ pop up often these days. But have...